
5 Ways to Promote Growth of Good Gut Bacteria.

The human digestive system is one of the most complex processes that occur inside the body. Eventually, the food is broken down in the gut where later on it can enter the bloodstream. In order for this process to occur naturally it’s important to have a healthy digestive system. A healthy gut consists of millions, billions probably trillions of bacteria in
our bodies. there is so much to do to promote growth of good gut bacteria.

Most of them are good bacteria and promote much more efficient digestion of foods that we consume. These good bacteria are responsible to digest the food as well as warding off any malicious virus, fungi or bacteria. There can be multiple ways to improve good gut bacteria its always best to get an doctor’s advise. There are these five ways to promote growth of good gut bacteria.

Consuming a diverse range of foods.

In order to maintain a good diversity of bacteria in your gut its’s essential to consume a diverse variety of foods. Incorporating such foods in your diet will ensure that you will maintain a healthy microbiome in your gut. Various bacteria carry out multiple specific roles in your gut and therefore, it’s important to have a diverse range of foods to provide all kinds of nutrients to different types of gut bacteria. Consuming a diverse diet will therefore, lead to have a more diverse microbiome.

diverse foods for gut bacteria growth

Having an diverse diet will not only benefit your gut health but will also help in maintaining overall health. A diverse diet will result in nourishing your body throughout. A more diverse diet means to include everything right form fruits and veggies to beans, whole grains and concluding meals with probiotics or favourite desserts. Such diets help in keeping and carrying out an healthy lifestyle. Remember “To stay healthy eat a salad, to stay sane eat a burger.”

Eating Legumes, Beans and Vegetables

Every bacteria in your gut is responsible to carry out a certain digestive process in your gut. Eating high fibers foods such as Veggies, Legumes, Beans can promote the growth of bacteria responsible for digesting fibers. Other high fibers foods one can include in their diet are raspberries, broccoli, beans, bananas, apples, chickpeas etc.

legumes beans for  gut bacteria growth

High fibers foods take time in digesting foods hence, it helps in making us feel full and prevent overeating. All the bacteria in our gut is responsible for carrying out a certain tasks. Including high fiber foods in diets will ensure in promoting the growth of bacteria responsible to for digesting them.

Incorporating fermented foods

Fermented foods undergo fermentation, where sugars are broken down by yeast or bacteria. Fermented foods are rich in lactobacilli, which can be beneficial for improving your gut health. Examples of fermented foods that you can include in your diet are Yoghurt, kimchi, kombucha etc. These foods not only increase good gut bacteria but also reduce inflammation and soothe intestines. When it comes to yoghurt consume plain yoghurt instead of flavoured ones as they contain too many preservatives and sugar.

fermented foods for gut growth bacteria

Along with improving the microbiome in gut they also help in improving overall digestive tract. They also prove to contribute in weight loss and increasing immunity. Fermentation increases the shelf life of foods and also aids digestion. In conclusion, fermented foods will help improve microbiome of the gut, reduce inflammation and support proper digestion.

Eating prebiotic foods

Prebiotic foods are compounds that enable the growth of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi.
They are essentially planting fibers that feed the bacteria living in your gut. They contribute greatly to diversifying the gut microbiome. By eating such foods the bacteria which is responsible to digest them is utilized and promotes their growth. A diet consisting of prebiotic food items is highly beneficial for vegans. A few prebiotic foods are apples, onions, garlic, bananas, berries cocoa. In order to have an enriched gut microbiome consuming prebiotic foods are essential. Furthermore, its absolutely important to include prebiotic foods to have healthy digestive system.

prebiotic foods gut growth health

A variety of prebiotic foods will result in promoting good gut bacteria.

Consuming Probiotics

Including probiotics in your diet can be very beneficial. Probiotics don’t dwell permanently instead they help breakdown the food and support metabolism and improve the overall microbiome. Not all bacteria is good but there are significant amount of bacteria which can be highly beneficial for maintaining your gut health. Some probiotics foods to include in your diet are pickles, yoghurt, kimchi, miso, soy sauce etc. Because these probiotics don’t stay permanently in gut they need to be replenished.

probiotic foods

It’s advised to include probiotics like yoghurt in your diet. Make sure to only include plain yoghurt and not the flavoured one containing artificial sugar and preservatives.


This blog provides a glimpse of what basic things to include in diet to improve good gut bacteria. Last but not the least, a lot of research has been going on regarding the fermented foods along with prebiotics and probiotics and how they impact our health.

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