
What are Gallbladder polyps?

Gallbladder polyps are masses of cells that are seen on the inner lining of the gallbladder. Most are benign asymptomatic incidental findings (found on USG).

However, a small percentage (0.5-2%) may be cancerous. In such cases, early is key for curative treatment and long-term survival.

Types of Polyps

1. Benign


a) pseudo-tumors (cholesterol polyps, inflammatory polyps; cholesterolosis and

b) epithelial tumors (adenomas)

c) mesenchymatous tumors (fibroma, lipoma, and hemangioma)

2. Malignant- Gall-bladder carcinomas

Gall-bladder cancer is an extremely aggressive cancer. Average survival with treatment is 3-5 years. Therefore, early diagnosis in the pre-malignant stage helps prevent mortality.


Are they harmful?

As mentioned previously, most are asymptomatic and benign; but in some cases, as a result of
mechanical obstruction in the biliary tree, they have the potential to produce.

1. Cholecystitis


2. Cholangitis


3. Pancreatitis


Risk factors associated with GB polyps

1. Gallstones

2. Age over 50 years

3. High triglycerides or cholestero

4. Peutz-Jeghers or Familial adenomatous polyposis syndromes

Tests for evaluation

1. Endoscopic ultrasound

2. Trans-abdominal ultrasound


1. After careful evaluation, risk assessment is done and further steps are planned

2. Low-risk or benign polyp after evaluation- Regular follow-up with a gastroenterologist

3. High-risk of malignancy- Cholecystectomy

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