
How To Lower Down Your Cholesterol Levels.


If you suffer from heart problems, there is a high chance that you suffer from high cholesterol levels. There can be many reason for this health issue. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep cholesterol in check. Medications always help in keeping the cholesterol level lower. But prevention is better than cure. It would be wise of you to make lifestyle changes to keep cholesterol level low.

Find out below how to lower down your cholesterol levels.

Watch What You Eat

You are what you eat. Make sure you have a well-balanced diet. A proper and healthy diet will always result in giving numerous health benefits.

Here is a list of all the things you can eat and lower your cholesterol levels.

  1. High Fiber Foods like oatmeal.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Almonds.
  4. Avocados
  5. Fruits such as apples and berries.
  6. High omega-3 fatty acid foods like salmon.
  7. Increase the amount of soluble fiber. 

Soluble fiber is a great way to lower cholesterol’s absorption into the bloodstream. Soluble fiber can be found in foods such as kidney beans, oatmeal Brussels sprouts as well as apples and pears.

low fat diet

Consuming the above mentioned foods will help lower your cholesterol levels. Having a well-balanced diet can prevent fatty liver diseases. Along with this they also end up providing essential nutrients. A good diet will always bring you multiple health benefits. But if you suffer from high cholesterol levels make sure to add above mentioned foods to your diet. Increase your protein intake to gain more muscles. Incorporate Whey Protein. Whey protein, found in dairy products can be the cause of some aspects of health advantages that are attributed to dairy. Studies have proven that taking whey protein as a supplement can reduce both LDL the cholesterol level and overall cholesterol, as and blood pressure.

Saturated fats, mostly found in red meat and in full-fat dairy products, can raise your cholesterol levels overall. Reduce your intake of saturated fats may lower the cholesterol levels. Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, also known as the “bad” cholesterol. Get rid of trans-fats. Trans fats, often identified on the labels of foods in the form of “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil,” are frequently utilized in margarines and also in the store-bought snacks like crackers, cookies and cakes. Trans fats can raise cholesterol levels.


Along with diet make sure to keep your body in motion. Pick up sports for physical activity. Grab that gym membership and get moving. It’s not a surprise that exercise has multiple health benefits. Not just physical but exercising improves mental health as well. Try adding minimal physical activity such as going for a walk or cycling for a bit.

Most people exercise for the sole reason of losing weight and fat loss. And guess what exercising does exactly that. When you exercise it helps to keep your weight in check. Blood circulation is optimized to it’s fullest. Exercising helps in preventing fatty liver diseases. It helps keeping your cholesterol level low.

exercise lower cholesterol

You can try out yoga and meditation to lower your cholesterol levels as well. Exercising in gyms or playing sports not only lower your cholesterol but also sugar level. Basically, being active will keep you away from diabetes and cholesterol. Playing sports keeps you active and also improves your social skills.

Lastly, Exercising will benefit both physical and mental health. It will definitely help lower your cholesterol levels. To keep yourself motivated, consider getting a workout buddy as well as joining an exercise club.

Go For Regular Health Check-ups.

If you already suffer from cholesterol issues visit your doctor regularly. Regular check-up will obviously help you monitor your cholesterol levels. Being well informed about it will help you prevent any serious health ailments. You can safe-guard yourself from future health diseases. Make sure to regularly go for full body checkups like cholesterol levels, blood tests etc.

Regular health check-ups

Improve your Lifestyle.

Improving your lifestyle choices significantly reduce your chances of getting chronic diseases. Sometimes, just having good diet and exercising isn’t sufficient. If you smoke or drink alcohol be sure to keep these habits in check.

Quitting smoking can improve your HDL cholesterol levels. To quit smoking might be difficult but the benefits are immediate .Within 20 minutes of quitting smoking, your heart rate return to normal from the nicotine-induced spike. After three months after quitting, your lung and blood circulation function will begin to improve. Within one year after quitting smoking your heart disease is about half of smoking

Consuming too much alcohol might lead you onto the path of getting fatty liver disease.

Try to lower your stress levels as it is proven to increase your weight. Stress eating can lead to increase in weight which further leads to high cholesterol. Exercising helps reduce stress. If you are able to manage your stress level, you will surely be able to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Furthermore, to wind-up this article make sure to lead a healthy lifestyle. Try exercising, playing sports, yoga or mediation to lose weight. Losing weight will lower your cholesterol levels. Lastly, visit your doctor regularly for complete health check-ups. Keep your diet as healthy as possible and prevent any major health issues. Stay healthy!

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